You write a C program, use gcc to compile it, and you get an executable. It is pretty simple. Right?
Have you ever wondered what happens during the compilation process and how the C program gets converted to an executable?
There are four main stages through which a source code passes in order to finally become an executable.
The four stages for a C program to become an executable are the following:
- Pre-processing
- Compilation
- Assembly
- Linking
In Part-I of this article series, we will discuss the steps that the gcc compiler goes through when a C program source code is compiled into an executable.
Before going any further, lets take a quick look on how to compile and run a ‘C’ code using gcc, using a simple hello world example.
$ vi print.c #include <stdio.h> #define STRING "Hello World" int main(void) { /* Using a macro to print 'Hello World'*/ printf(STRING); return 0; }
Now, lets run gcc compiler over this source code to create the executable.
$ gcc -Wall print.c -o print
In the above command:
- gcc – Invokes the GNU C compiler
- -Wall – gcc flag that enables all warnings. -W stands for warning, and we are passing “all” to -W.
- print.c – Input C program
- -o print – Instruct C compiler to create the C executable as print. If you don’t specify -o, by default C compiler will create the executable with name a.out
Finally, execute print which will execute the C program and display hello world.
$ ./print Hello World
Note: When you are working on a big project that contains several C program, use make utility to manage your C program compilation as we discussed earlier.
Now that we have a basic idea about how gcc is used to convert a source code into binary, we’ll review the 4 stages a C program has to go through to become an executable.
This is the very first stage through which a source code passes. In this stage the following tasks are done:
- Macro substitution
- Comments are stripped off
- Expansion of the included files
To understand preprocessing better, you can compile the above ‘print.c’ program using flag -E, which will print the preprocessed output to stdout.
$ gcc -Wall -E print.c
Even better, you can use flag ‘-save-temps’ as shown below. ‘-save-temps’ flag instructs compiler to store the temporary intermediate files used by the gcc compiler in the current directory.
$ gcc -Wall -save-temps print.c -o print
So when we compile the program print.c with -save-temps flag we get the following intermediate files in the current directory (along with the print executable)
$ ls print.i print.s print.o
The preprocessed output is stored in the temporary file that has the extension .i (i.e ‘print.i’ in this example)
Now, lets open print.i file and view the content.
$ vi print.i ...... ...... ...... ...... # 846 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 extern FILE *popen (__const char *__command, __const char *__modes) ; extern int pclose (FILE *__stream); extern char *ctermid (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)); # 886 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)); extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) ; extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)); # 916 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 # 2 "print.c" 2 int main(void) { printf("Hello World"); return 0; }
In the above output, you can see that the source file is now filled with lots and lots of information, but still at the end of it we can see the lines of code written by us. Lets analyze on these lines of code first.
- The first observation is that the argument to printf() now contains directly the string “Hello World” rather than the macro. In fact the macro definition and usage has completely disappeared. This proves the first task that all the macros are expanded in the preprocessing stage.
- The second observation is that the comment that we wrote in our original code is not there. This proves that all the comments are stripped off.
- The third observation is that beside the line ‘#include’ is missing and instead of that we see whole lot of code in its place. So its safe to conclude that stdio.h has been expanded and literally included in our source file. Hence we understand how the compiler is able to see the declaration of printf() function.
When I searched print.i file, I found, The function printf is declared as:
extern int printf (__const char *__restrict __format, ...);
The keyword ‘extern’ tells that the function printf() is not defined here. It is external to this file. We will later see how gcc gets to the definition of printf().
You can use gdb to debug your c programs. Now that we have a decent understanding on what happens during the preprocessing stage. let us move on to the next stage.
After the compiler is done with the pre-processor stage. The next step is to take print.i as input, compile it and produce an intermediate compiled output. The output file for this stage is ‘print.s’. The output present in print.s is assembly level instructions.
Open the print.s file in an editor and view the content.
$ vi print.s .file "print.c" .section .rodata .LC0: .string "Hello World" .text .globl main .type main, @function main: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_offset 6, -16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movl $.LC0, %eax movq %rax, %rdi movl $0, %eax call printf movl $0, %eax leave ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size main, .-main .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
Though I am not much into assembly level programming but a quick look concludes that this assembly level output is in some form of instructions which the assembler can understand and convert it into machine level language.
At this stage the print.s file is taken as an input and an intermediate file print.o is produced. This file is also known as the object file.
This file is produced by the assembler that understands and converts a ‘.s’ file with assembly instructions into a ‘.o’ object file which contains machine level instructions. At this stage only the existing code is converted into machine language, the function calls like printf() are not resolved.
Since the output of this stage is a machine level file (print.o). So we cannot view the content of it. If you still try to open the print.o and view it, you’ll see something that is totally not readable.
$ vi print.o ^?ELF^B^A^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^A^@>^@^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@0^ ^@UH<89>å¸^@^@^@^@H<89>ǸHello World^@^@GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3^@^ T^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^AzR^@^Ax^P^A^[^L^G^H<90>^A^@^@^\^@^@]^@^@^@^@A^N^PC<86>^B^M^F ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@.symtab^@.strtab^@.shstrtab^@.rela.text^^@.bss^@.rodata ^@.comment^@.note.GNU-stack^@.rela.eh_frame^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^ ... ... …
The only thing we can explain by looking at the print.o file is about the string ELF.
ELF stands for executable and linkable format.
This is a relatively new format for machine level object files and executable that are produced by gcc. Prior to this, a format known as a.out was used. ELF is said to be more sophisticated format than a.out (We might dig deeper into the ELF format in some other future article).
Note: If you compile your code without specifying the name of the output file, the output file produced has name ‘a.out’ but the format now have changed to ELF. It is just that the default executable file name remains the same.
This is the final stage at which all the linking of function calls with their definitions are done. As discussed earlier, till this stage gcc doesn’t know about the definition of functions like printf(). Until the compiler knows exactly where all of these functions are implemented, it simply uses a place-holder for the function call. It is at this stage, the definition of printf() is resolved and the actual address of the function printf() is plugged in.
The linker comes into action at this stage and does this task.
The linker also does some extra work; it combines some extra code to our program that is required when the program starts and when the program ends. For example, there is code which is standard for setting up the running environment like passing command line arguments, passing environment variables to every program. Similarly some standard code that is required to return the return value of the program to the system.
The above tasks of the compiler can be verified by a small experiment. Since now we already know that the linker converts .o file (print.o) to an executable file (print).
So if we compare the file sizes of both the print.o and print file, we’ll see the difference.
$ size print.o text data bss dec hex filename 97 0 0 97 61 print.o $ size print text data bss dec hex filename 1181 520 16 1717 6b5 print
Through the size command we get a rough idea about how the size of the output file increases from an object file to an executable file. This is all because of that extra standard code that linker combines with our program.
Now you know what happens to a C program before it becomes an executable. You know about Preprocessing, Compiling, Assembly, and Linking stages There is lot more to the linking stage, which we will cover in our next article in this series.
Comments on this entry are closed.
Very nice explanation !!
Waiting for more.
Clear and concise! Thank you very much.
Very well done maestro! :P)
Noob alert: I couldn’t get it to work unless I included .
I think I know what happened. The comment processor stripped off the “stdio.h” from my last comment. It might have done that for the Hello World code too.
Thanks for pointing it out. It is fixed now in the print.c program mentioned above.
Hi Ramesh,
Nice post, would be great to get deeper in the ELF format in future articles as you said. 🙂
Thanks you all for your comments.
As of now, you’ll soon get to see Part-II of this series. After that I will write on ELF too 🙂
Great article 🙂
Very nice article, many times used gcc but never thought about details
Very Nice. You hit on a helpful topic to expand our horizons.
Great article. More please.
Thank you all again for appreciation. Article on ‘Linking process (advanced)’ can arrive anytime.
this was a good read, thanks
Pretty nice article.
I hope that it’s going to be a first of a series.
Thanks for the article. I’ll be visiting here frequently for more knowledge 🙂
I believe that coff (common object file format) is prior to ELF. a.out is just a file name.
really nice explanation.. please keep it up…
it will be nice if you can post some article realted to how / what exactly happens at machine level.. when computer starts and how “hello world” for e.g. is manipulate d in 101010101 form at hardware level
@rahul kumar dubey
Thanks Rahul.
Sure, whenever I get a chance I’ll write an article over it.
Very good explanation. Hope to see some more articles from you.
Excellent lecture … ready for more.
thank you
Awesome .. Great job done. Crystal clear steps provided. In short time, understanding of internal steps from program to executable is made.
Thank U .. !!
Please keep writing more.
Very nicely done
Excellent…. well written and well explained, You just saved my day. Thanks for such an awesome article.
Brilliant job ……
Thank u so much !!
Really Nice Stuff…Thanks a lot….waiting for more like this on unix internals
extra ordinary !!!
very clear and good for freshers…
A very good explanation… 🙂
Nice Article very con-vincible. I have one doubt about the LOADER. How LOADER program come into play in the above example and when.
Thanks in advance.
great article sir
Very well explained
Very well explained for beginners.
At the linking stage, you said the printf() definition will be included in our executable file, but is the definition in machine code?
Awesome work!! Have been looking for such an article for some time. Very well explained.
superb explanation with the demonstrated commands … thanx
You can mention that the option to see the output after compiling and before assembling is
$$ gcc -S print.c
Please provide the links to the part 2 & ELF in the article content itself.
thanx for these usefull informations…….
very concise & helpful !!!…
Very nice article, many times used gcc but never thought about details
Thanks for the detailed explanation…
nice explanation.. 😀
clear explation…
very nice explanation.. Is there some website to learn c from scratch in deep..?
superb article… thanks a lot…!!
Very Nicely explained
i have one questions… on which of these 4 stages inline functions are handled???
Awesome!!! Keep up the good work
AWESOME work bro Helpfull in mah assignment
superb….man very helpfull for me!!!!!!!
Cool Stuff. Definitely helps in understanding the Internal of a c language.
hi sir,
i like ur blog, very much.
my question is, when i executed .cpp file with g++ command and then i searched for .s file which is not there
print.c print print.o print-size
where is print.o, i want to see my assembling code….
how can i see it.
please help, thanks in advance…
Very nicely explained. .. Always liking this site
Nicely Explained.. good Work
why do we need different compilation stages???
when you are going to write the next article on this series ?
We are waiting eagerly !!
Nice eplananation 😀
Thanks a ton. I am used to programming in windows. I am learning linux programming and this was really helpful.
Very simple and nicely explained. Thanks!
Very Clear explanation:)
Nice explanation
I apologize ahead of time for this question because it is probably a dumb one…
I was under the impression that machine level instructions are only 0s and 1s. How come the ‘.o’ object file, which contains machine level instructions, has other symbols?
You gave great explanation for Stages in C. I’m expecting from you to give more about ELF and Linking Stages.
Thanks !! That was really nice.
Nicely explained!
thank you so much 🙂
Simple , concise an awsum explanation…hats off…!!!
The file format preceding ELF, was COFF (common object file format).
awesome!!!….nice and simple!!
Thumbs Up for the article, however I think the Linking stage needs a bit more explanation. Below is what I mean.
” It is at this stage, the definition of printf() is resolved and the actual address of the function printf() is plugged in.”
Question: How printf() is resolved and its definition is included?
Answer: The linker links the standard C library with the object files we have developed and that is how the definition gets included.
You might want to elaborate this and include.
very nice stuff. Looking forward to follow up articles
Really great content about this concept.. Really appreciable..
Thank you so much..
Beautifully explained with every minute detail!!
Thank you.
Very nice article. Whatever I was finding, I got it here. Thank you for explaining.
Thank u so much….
During starting i face too much problems when i am going to use the linus terminal to write c program.
But after reading this tutorial i got too much idea about creation and execution of c program using linux terminal .i found this information too useful……………………….
Very informative and deep!!..
Thanks a ton! .
Very nice explanation….
Thanks you sir for explanation.
Thank you,Sir,for your excellent work.
Thank you so much sir.
AweSome Article . I really love it. Please Do more stuff. Also about reverse Engineering