Thanks for visiting this article from the Nagios newsletter. We’ll be posting several Nagios XI tutorials in the upcoming weeks.
Nagios Price:

- Nagios Core is free and open source.
- Nagios XI is $1,295 (to monitor unlimited number of hosts). This is perpetual license — Once you’ve purchased the software, use it as long as you want without any additional license fees.
Nagios Support:
- The free Nagios Core is very easy to install, configure and maintain. If you have in-house IT staffs, you don’t need to purchase support for the free Nagios Core. However, if you want peace of mind, you can purchase Nagios Core basic annual support for $2,495.
- Nagios XI “Annual Maintenance” is $325. You need to purchase annual maintenance to receive future major release of the Nagios XI.
New in Nagios XI:
- Nagios XI has enhanced AJAX based user interface. Nagios users can customize their own preferred view of nagios. User specific views enforce that users see the status of the equipments they are authorized to view.
- In-built graphing capability based on RRD.
- Dynamic dashboard provides high level status of infrastructure.
- Multiple rotating views can be customized by the users.
- Adding new equipments to monitor is done through the web based wizards.
- Nagios XI also has web configuration interface that allows to configure the Nagios Core.
Nagios XI Foundation Cores
Nagios XI foundation cores is built on top of the following components:
- Nagios Core monitoring engine
- Nagios Plugins
- PNP for RRDTool-based graphing
- NagiosQL
- MRTG with RRDTool for bandwidth monitoring
- NDOUtils for monitoring engine database backend
Nagios XI Screenshots
Nagios XI Trial Download:
You can download Nagios XI and try it out free for 60 days before purchasing it.
Geek Rating: 5/5 Stars
Nagios XI is highly recommended. Nagios XI is built on top of the free Nagios Core. This is a classic example of beauty meeting the geek. Beauty = Nagios XI. Geek = Nagios Core.
In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be posting several Nagios XI tutorials on an on-going basis.
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This article is out of date for Pricing. XI is much more expensive. RIght now it’s $1,995 for up to 100 hosts, $2,995 for 100-200 hosts and a whoping $4,995 for unlimited. A far cry from the previous $1,295 for unlimited.
Yes, agreed, the current pricing makes it far less cost effective to go for Nagios XI.
how u are saying $1,295 nagios xi price ?
I checked on website its about $6000.
Exactly, and even while you still may consider the new price affordable for your organization this does not speak well of the company behind Nagios products. Why?
Not only they doubled in price but they limited it to 100 hosts !!! And now in their Enterprise edition they force the annual plan. Its not an optional maintenance, but it seems its required.
So to any prospect buyer (like me) I will not purchase the product, because for all I care tomorrow they change their 100 nodes to 100 sensors instead !!! It seems this is where they are going. First 1 price per monitoring instance or installation. Then per monitored end machines but unlimited services on each and I bet in the future per sensor.
I don’t understand why this software companies license their products as if its they who are paying for the monitoring. They don’t. If you install Nagios on a server, it can only monitor a fixed numbers of things before you run out of resources (which you are paying) so its makes no sense how the monitoring software company want to rip off their customers. The license should be per INSTALLED machine. So if you have 2 in a fail over, they charge 2. Regardless of how many end devices or things you monitor. Otherwise just use some cloud monitoring service where everything is included and you don’t bother with anything.
This models sucks for on premise software. They get some customers with cheap or free beta products, then start to raise prices. I really wanted to buy several of their products…I guess I will stick to my current solution (which is paid and expensive but was looking into Nagios to save some bucks)
can you please tell me about nagios core ? how much host we can add into nagios core ?
Hi Team,
Can we add unlimited hosts into Nagios core?
Harish V
Yes, unlimited hosts can be added in Nagios core.