Monit is an open source utility that provides several system monitoring functionality that are extremely helpful to sysadmins. This article provides a jumpstart guide on monit installation and configuration. We also discuss a specific example related to processes monitoring.
1. Install monit
On Fedora, openSUSE, Debian install monit as a package from the distribution repository. For example, on Debian (and Ubuntu), install monit using apt-get as shown below.
# apt-get install monit
If your distribution don’t have the monit package, download monit source and install it.
2. Configure monit
A sample process monitoring entry in the monit configuration file /etc/monit/monitrc looks like the following.
For example, to monitor the cron daemon, append the following lines to the monitrc file.
# vim /etc/monit/monitrc check process crond with pidfile /var/run/ start = "/etc/init.d/cron start" stop = "/etc/init.d/cron stop"
For further configurations (for example, restarting a process when it crosses a memory or process limit), refer the HOW TO MONITOR section in “man monit”.
Also, enable syslog by uncommenting the following line in /etc/monit/monitrc.
# vim /etc/monit/monitrc set logfile syslog facility log_daemon
3. Allow startup of monit
Edit the /etc/default/monit file and enable the start up flag, which ensures that the configuration is done so that monit can start.
# vim /etc/default/monit startup=1
4. Start monit
# /etc/init.d/monit start Starting daemon monitor: monit
5. Check monit functionality
To test this, let us kill the running cron daemon as shown below.
# ps -ef | grep cron root 2886 1 0 10:18 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron # pkill -9 cron
In the next interval, monit automatically starts the cron daemon without the administrator interaction as shown in the syslog messages below.
Dec 5 13:06:55 (none) monit[2968]: 'crond' process is not running Dec 5 13:06:55 (none) monit[2968]: 'crond' trying to restart Dec 5 13:06:55 (none) monit[2968]: 'crond' start: /etc/init.d/cron
Do a ps -ef to make sure the cron job is started automatically by monit, when you killed it.
# ps -ef | grep cron root 19728 1 0 13:06 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron
Comments on this entry are closed.
URL is wrong? I don’t think its the same program.
Monit is at
M/monit and monit are related products. Both are hosted on the same website. If you have monit installed on multiple servers, you can use M/monit to monitor those servers from a web UI.
Thanks. I’ve updated the URL.
hi my name is akbar,i really loved ‘monit’,
i tested in my localhost and it is working fine,but i want to install and configure it in my website server. i tried to put my website name like this by connecting to the server using ssh
set httpd port 2812
use address # only accept connection from localhost
allow localhost # allow localhost to connect to the server and
allow admin:admin # require user ‘admin’ with password ‘monit’
but when trying to open the website in browser as
nothing happes loading loading
please help me
U should have default http-interface script inside /etc/monit/conf.d folder.
In your code example you missed the “and” operator at first line end. Change “set httpd port 2812” to “set httpd port 2812 and”
As you didn’t defined and, the script is “looping” inside that config mistake and does not end loading options like credentials, so i assume your monit never asked you about them at all.
@feorzakbar, It’s quite a bit late to reply. But It’d help others who are facing same problem.
You just need to comment (put # ) the line starting from use address
Restart monit !