Happy New Year from Me and My Daughters (Diya and Neha)
Happy New Year to all TGS readers. We wish you and your family a happy and prosperous new year.
I’m very excited for 2013, and extremely committed in producing several high quality tutorials that will educate you on Linux and Open Source Technologies. Apart from the regular tutorials, I’m also working on few additional projects that will be released to TGS readers this year.
I appreciate all the support given by the regular readers of the blog. I’m very grateful to have you as part of the TGS blog.
Leave a comment with your New Year wishes.
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happy new year to you Ramesh ;-)) and to all “the geek stuff” readers and all user of GNU/Linux, *nix, … and the freeware in general. So all the best for all for 2013.
trust in tux, bye
Thanks Buddy and Happy New Year 2 You and Your Family
Thanks , Same To You
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Your daughters are so very cute. 🙂
All the very best for the coming year to those who help the world be a better place.
A big thank you to open source contributors for making my retirement fun and better informed, some day I hope to learn enough to give back.
Till then enjoy life
Eric B
wishing you and your family a very happy new year Ramesh Sir.[ specially to little sweet angel 🙂 ]. May God bless you…..!!!
Happy New Year to you and your delightful family!
This old woman has become a Linux fan, almost to being a proper Linux Geek, thanks to your helpful tutorials and articles. I am getting satisfyingly comfortable with the CLI.
Thanks again!
I used to read your posts – 1 – 2 years back, when I started jump into linux, to learn a lot of new stuff. Thanks, for all the tips and others.
Happy New Year.
Let God Shower his blessings to pretty daughters of yours !!!! ( and of course you & your wife & father, mother too). Their smiles are just the beautiful ones, to start seeing in the starting of a New year.
with warm regards
HI Sir
Happy New Year to you and family too.
Lovely Daughters..
Best Regards and Wishes for 2013
Hi Geek,
Happy new year to you and your angel too, May God full fill your all desire 🙂
Happy new year to you and your family.
You are doing really GRT Work.
Thanks for all these knowledgeable stuff.
!! Have a Nice and Great Time ahead !!
Most happy and blessed of the new year for you and your family, Ramesh, and many thanks for all that you do and have done for us with your books, tutorials and projects.
Happy New Year to you your two cute little angels!
Hello Ramesh,
Happy new year to you too. I wish you and your family health and happiness in this prosperous 2013! Thanks for your blog, is like a bible to me. Keep it up and I hope to learn a lot from you throughout the year.
Hi Ramesh,
congratulations for your beautifull daughters, and Thanks for your useful work.
Happy new year to you.
happy new year too! 😀
Happy 2013, and I hope you will help us understand Linux even better with your posts this year
Happy new year to you and your family.
Thanks for your great works and congratulation for your daughters.
I have one daughter and my wife will deliver two twin girls at the mid/end of february.
Happy new year.
Your non stop friend from Algiers. Mustapha.
Hi Ramesh.
Happy new year.
My family send best wishes to you and your dolls.
Looking forward to more of your great work this year. Your little daughters are beautiful:)
Hey Ramesh!
Happy new year and best wishes for you and your family.
By the way, dolls have grew up a lot since the last photo … beautiful babies.
Hi Ramesh,
Happy new Year 2013.
Your Kids are very cute.
Hai Ramesh and all Geeks
I wish all this year will be very successful and all things ll be done good ……
All is Well ….
Happy New Year to kids (Diya and Neha)
Happy new year and wish you the very best for you and your family.
Hello Ramesh,
Happy new year to you, your dolls and your entire family. Good day and a warm filled new year ahead..
Hi Ramesh
Happy and prosperous new year 2013
to u & ur beautiful kids.
Hi Ramesh, Wishing a very happy new year !!!!! Your website is very informative !! Waiting for more articles in new year !!!!!!
Same to u ..! Have A blast Fun N Happy memorable 2013 . I Really Appreciate about it.. Thank u 4 sharing Linux updates with me..!
Hi Ramesh Natarajan
Wishing you a Wishing a very happy 2013 !!
My best wishes to Diya and Neha too.
Thanks for excellent articles in the past.
Keep up the good work.
Eagerly waiting for more articles….
Hi Geek,
Thanks, & I wish you a very happy new year to you & your family.
This is a great stuff that you are doing of sharing your knowledge, appericiate you much, I hope you continue to enlighten us.
Thanks & Regards,
Balaji G.
Hi Ramesh Garu,
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year. Every blessing for the year. Thanks for all the wonderful assistance.
Happy New Year…!
Hi Ramesh,
Wish you and your so cute babies a very happy new year 2013. may this year bring all the happiness in your life.God bless you all…))
Wishing a very happy new year !!!!!
Your website is very informative !!
Hi Ramesh,
Many thanks for your effort in TGS projects and tutrials. Happy New Year to you and your family! God bless you.
Happy New Year 2013
Thanks Ramesh
I hope you will have a beautiful and successful year.
Happy new year all of you ……………..
Szczesliwego Nowego Roku for you and your closest.
Hi Ramesh, Happy new year to all of u Wish you a happy healthy and prosperous year ahead
Happy New year and continue your good work …
Happy New Year
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful daughters. Thank you for your excellent tutorials.
“Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.” –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Atlanta GA USA
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New Year and all the best in 2013 both personally and professionally!
Happy New Years..
The same to you and your family. Good 2013
Happy New Year
Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year…
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New Year to you and your beautiful little dolls. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us this year. Keep up the good work.
Happy New Year Ramesh! keep up the great work with this website. You have a beautiful family!, may the new year bring you all only the best. 🙂
Saludos Ramesh..!
El mayor de los éxitos para este nuevo año que comienza.
Que tus dias de trabajo o de descanso siempre sean navidad: con regalos, salud y prosperidad, tanto para ti como para tu familia…
Como en la otra ocasión (hace ya tiempo), te escribo desde el otro lado del mundo… desde Venezuela… 🙂
— english to spanish translation–
Regards Ramesh ..!
The greatest success for the new year ahead.
May your days off work or are always Christmas: with gifts, health and prosperity, both for yourself and for your family …
As in the other time (some time ago), I write from the other side of the world … from Venezuela …
All the best for the year ahead to you and your family.
Bob Roberts
Hi Ramesh:
Happy new year to you and your family!
Your doughters are nice!
Come on, I will support you in 2013
Wish u a very happy new year to you and your family.
Happy new year to you and your family..
Happy new year to you and your family. 🙂
Happy New year to you and the family. Your little girls are beautiful. Take lots of mental pictures they grow up so fast. Best wishes.
thank you!! Happy new year to you and your family
Happy New year for everyone. Best wishes to all of you.
Your site is wonderful and I so wish that it had been there when I was learning Unix nearly twenty years ago, with little help other than the manuals that came with the machine. Mind you, that was a whole shelf full, of which the man pages were only two volumes.
Happy New Year! And all the best wishes for you and your family.
Hi Ramesh,
Happy new year to you & your family too.
Hi Ramesh,
Wish you and your team/whole group a very happy and prosperous new year.
till date you have done tremandolus affort
Your daughters are looking lovely. Keep the Geek stuff coming
Happy New Year! And all the best wishes for you and your family.
Happy New Year to you and the family… thanks for the good work you doing with this site. Blessings from the South of Africa
May you and your family have a great 2013
Best Regards
Hey Ramesh,
Good job. Keep it up.
Best regards.
Lovely photos of kids.
You are blessed as I feel with my five kids.