In a typical scenario, during the boot process, the run-level system startup scripts are executed one-by-one.
A particular run level startup script will not execute until the previous script is executed completely. If a particular service during the startup is hanging for some reason, it might take a while before it times-out and move on to the next startup script.
Startpar utility is used to run multiple run-level scripts in parallel. This helps to speed up the boot process of your server.
Startpar utility is part of sysvinit package.
The general syntax for the startpar is given below:
startpar –p par –i iorate –t timeout –T global timeout –a arg prg1 prg2 startpar –p par –I iorate –t timeout –T global timeout –M boot|start|stop
The following are the various options of startpar:
- -p Number of process to run in parallel.
- -i Change the process block weighing factor. The default is 800.
- -t Timeout to empty the buffer of a script if no output has occurred.
- -T Global timeout. It is used to flush the buffer output of previous scripts .
- -a Arguments to be provided to all scripts.
- -M Switch startpar to the “make” mode.
- -P Specify previous run-level
- -N Specify next run-level
When startpar is executing the run-level scripts, the output of the scripts is buffered to allow for controlled writing to logging facilities.
If other scripts are running in parallel, then it waits for the logging to be completed and then it writes the data from buffer to the logging area. The –t and –T options are used to control the clearing of these buffers depending on the time since the last output that is captured to buffer.
On my system, I have the following version fo startpar:
# startpar -v startpar version 0.54
Startpar command can be used in a “make” mode using –M option. In this mode, startpar uses the following files to decide how to execute the startup scripts.
Here’s an example of .depend.start file:
# cat /etc/init.d/.depend.start TARGETS = halt fbset lvm_wait_merge_snapshot microcode.ctl earlysyslog dbus acpid random purge-kernels reboot network haldaemon boot.clock syslog ford_tso_off Sts splash_early haveged rpcbind multipathd nfs smbfs kbd irq_balancer alsasound mcelog network-remotefs sshd java.binfmt_misc clamd logd gpm ntp single atd clamav-milter canna amavis cups nscd postfix xdm cron smartd INTERACTIVE = kbd ntp single network: dbus haldaemon: dbus acpid syslog: network earlysyslog ford_tso_off: network Sts: network splash_early: syslog haveged: syslog random rpcbind: syslog multipathd: syslog nfs: rpcbind . . . . mcelog: smbfs network-remotefs: smbfs haldaemon
In the “make” mode, startpar uses the .depend.start file to find which dependent services needs to be started in order to start to start a specific service.
In the above ouput, when startpar is executed with start mode using make option, the dependent scripts are started first before the scripts are executed in parallel.
Here’s an example how the startpar can be used in the make mode during system startup sequence,
# startpar -p 4 -t 20 -T 3 -M start -P N -R 2 D-Bus already started. Not starting. Starting acpid done Re-Starting syslog services done Starting service at daemon done Starting sound driver done Starting cupsd done Starting CRON daemon/usr/sbin/cron: can't lock /var/run/, otherpid may be 3506: Resource temporarily unavailable startproc: exit status of parent of /usr/sbin/cron: 1 done Starting irqbalance unused HAL already started. Not starting. Starting mcelog... already running done Setting up network interfaces: eth0 device: Intel Corporation 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Co eth0 IP address: done eth1 device: Intel Corporation 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Co eth1 IP address: done Setting up service network . . . . . . . . . . done Hint: you may set mandatory devices in /etc/sysconfig/network/config Setting up (remotefs) network interfaces: Setting up service (remotefs) network . . . . . . . . . . done Initializing random number generator done Starting smartd unused Disabling TSO on all interfaces and adding ETHTOOL_OPTIONS to nic config files done Re-Starting syslog services done Starting haveged daemon done failed_service="alsasound" skipped_service="irq_balancer smartd"
In the above example, startpar is executed with the total number of 4 process to run in parallel with a timeout of 20 seconds , global timeout 3 seconds to empty the buffer area, -M in make mode with “start” option to indicate startup is being used in start sequence.
This will use /etc/init.d/.depend. start file to verify the scripts that are dependent on each other. –P is the previous run-level –N is the new runlevel.
Here’s another example to use startpar just to execute 2 scripts in parallel, you can also define this script on /etc/init.d/rc to ensure these scripts gets started in parallel during system startup if required.
# startpar -p 4 -t 20 -T 3 -a start /etc/init.d/ypxfrd /etc/init.d/drbd Starting rpc.ypxfrd done Starting DRBD resources: . .
Also in some Linux distros, you can setup the system to use startpar option in /etc/init.d/rc file.
In the rc file, just change the value “CONCURRENCY=SHELL” to “CONCURRENCY=STARTPAR”, which should calculate the dependencies automatically and start the applicable scripts in parallel.
# vi /etc/init.d/rc CONCURRENCY=STARTPAR
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is this usefull with distro using systemd ?
Which distros does this apply to? Mint dpesn’t support it, so I guess Deb/Ubuntu may not either.
This article left much out, please be specificwith these articles.
Wow, Thank you. I’m using Linux From Scratch 7.9 with Sysvinit.
I’ve gone the Beyond LFS route, and am very pleased with the config I now have, and with what I’ve learned from it. I just noticed the existence of startpar, and later doday I’m gonna start trying to implement it using your information. Thanks for sharing!!