Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
~Mother Teresa
Happy New Year to all TGS readers from Me and My Daughters (Diya and Neha). We wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year.

Happy New Year from Me and My Daughters (Diya and Neha)
With your tremendous love and support, TGS team is extremely committed in producing several high quality tutorials that will educate you on Linux and Open Source Technologies on an on-going basis. Apart from tutorials, this year, I’ll also be conducting few hands-on workshops in selected cities around USA. There will also be few online workshops. More details to come soon.
From my heart, I appreciate all the support given by the regular readers of the blog. I’m very grateful to have you as part of TGS blog.
Leave a comment with your New Year wishes.
Comments on this entry are closed.
Happy New Year! Many thanks for all the excellent articles and tutorials, please keep them coming!
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New year to you and your familiy
I hope to receive more documents/articles from you
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot for such a wonderful site 🙂
Dear Ramesh,
Puthandu Nalvazthukall….
Wish You Happy New Year…
Thank you.. wish u all the best.. and happy new year .
Happy new year to you Ramesh and family.
Hope to see more coming!
A very happy and healthy 2015 to you all!
Keep on with providing the very readable titorials.
Gracias por el detalle del mensaje, sigo tu blog, me ha ayudado mucho y ojala puedas sacar algo sobre programacion en ambiente web con LAMP, para conocer herramientas y trucos de esa area.
Feliz Año nuevo from Venezuela.
— Spanish to English Translation —
Thanks for the detailed message, I follow your blog has helped me a lot and hopefully can get something about programming in web environment with LAMP, to know tools and tricks that area.
Happy New Year from Venezuela.
Here’s wishing your whole family a very happy New Year.
Greetings from Switzerland, many thanks for your wonderful articles
Happy new year !
Happy New Year from Philadelphia! Keep up the excellent quality work.
Thanks, Ramesh. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thanks alot ramesh for all the wonderful posts and articles
Thanks alot ramesh for all the wonderful posts and articles
Wish you & your family happy & prosperous new year
Happy new year and un grand merci !
Thank you Ramesh for all your hard work over the years.
Wishing you and your beautiful family a wonderful 2015.
Thank you for your wishes specially from your daughters ,happy new year for your family and thanks for your stuff that really helpful a lot
Thanks for your wishes Ramesh.
Wish you and your family a very happy new year.
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New Year to you.
Thanks for Happy New year Wishes.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you, Divya and Neha for New Year Wishes.
We all wish you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Dear Ramesh,
I wish you and your beloved ones a very good New Year! It’s not much I can offer you but a smile 🙂 Thank you for all your articles!
Hi Ramesh,
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thanks for helping us to learn and grow into opensource.
Hi Ramesh,
I wish you and your beloved ones all the best in 2015!
I also take the chance here to thank you for this great web and all the knowledge spread all over the world. It surely takes part of your time and for this I really want to thank you. You are helping so many people!
Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family. Thanks for the valuable information!
Happy new year to you & your family… 🙂
Happy New Year from Uganda, wish you the best moments to remember as you educate. Peace
Happy New year and All the best…
Hi Ramesh,
Wish You Happy and Wonderful New Year….Have a Great Year….We will support the people those who really need it.
I read and use your tuts regularly, and I’m happy to see the increased production of late.
Happy New Year to youand your family!!
May all your dreams come true this year! Thank you for such dedicated and hard work.
Happy New Year,
Hi Ramesh,
Happy 2015 for you & family.
Many thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge & experience, It has helped me alot.
All the Best
When are you launching that online sysadmin course.
for(int i=1; i; cout<<"Happy New Year"<<endl);
Aw, so cute! And to you and your family, Ramesh, I wish you a 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01001110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01011001 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100001
I wish the best for you and your family, have success on your new journey
Thanks for all your time and support
from SP-Brazil
Thanks and best wishes for you and your family the next and the following years. And I hope those two beautiful little girls get to live in a more egalitarian world.
Happy New Year and Thank you.
What cities in the US ?
Thanks so much for all your excellent tutorials. Looking forward to learning more this year. Happy New year to you and your beautiful family! 🙂
Kit from California
Great peace in your heart and blessed family.
Thanks, Ramesh! Happy New Year to you and your family!
Wishing you and your family a safe and prosperous New Year!!
Thanks Ramesh for the great tutorials.
Wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Lindas suas filhas! Parabéns!
Desejamos à você e toda a sua linda família um ano novo com mais de 2015 motivos para comemorar com muitas alegrias, paz, saúde e muitas bençãos.
— Portuguese to English Translation —
Beautiful daughters! Congratulations!
We wish you and all your lovely family a new year with over 2015 reasons to celebrate with much joy, peace, health and many blessings.