TGS is 3 years old now. You have been a huge part of this blog’s growth, and I sincerely thank you for your support. Leave a comment with your birthday wishes to this blog. Last night I was sitting in the clubhouse in our community, and was outlining a draft for one of the future [...]
If you are spending lot of time on UNIX / Linux, you’ll be manipulating text files frequently. You may be making the similar edits on multiple configuration files on one or more servers. You may be digging huge log files (or data files) looking for certain information. Sed and Awk 101 Hacks is a downloadable [...]
For the past several months, I’ve been working on writing a book on the two great UNIX tools — Sed and Awk. I’ve spend lot of sleepless nights to make this book easy to read and understand with lot of examples. It is almost complete and the book will be released very soon. Once you [...]
I would like to share this wonderful event in my life with all TGS readers. We are blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Both mom and baby are doing well. Holding this cute tiny package in my hands puts my life in perspective, and instantly gives me more meaning and purpose to my life. Words [...]
Expect scripting language is easy to learn. It expects specific string, and sends (or responds) strings accordingly. If you are new to expect, read our 6 expect script examples (including hello world example) to get a jump start. This article explains the following in the expect scripting language. Expressions – arithmetic operation if construct in [...]
Question: How do I check whether my HP Unix operating system HP-UX is running on 32-bit or 64-bit? Answer: If you’ve installed it, you should know, as the installation CD (or ISO image) for a 32-bit HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX are different. Let us assume that your sysadmin installed the OS, and you didn’t know [...]
Here is the good, bad and ugly scenario for backups. Ugly – Not having a backup. When the application or database crashes, you are screwed. Bad – Taking regular backup, but storing the backup on the same server. When the application or database crashes, you can restore it from the backup located on the same [...]
I’m very excited for this year and looking forward to write lot of high quality tutorials on Linux and open source technology. There are tons of topics on Linux that we would like to cover, and we already started writing several articles for the upcoming weeks. We also would like to cover topics that you [...]