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Share Your Knowledge and Write for TGS

Thanks for being a regular reader of TGS. I’m very thankful to have you as part of The Geek Stuff family. I really appreciate the lovely support you’ve provided for TGS. If you believe that TGS has helped you grow and expand your knowledge, it is time for you to share your knowledge with all [...]


Happy New Year 2014 – From Geek and the Dolls

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller Happy New Year to all TGS readers from Me and My Daughters (Diya and Neha). We wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. With your tremendous love and [...]


5 SmartPhone Mistakes to Avoid at All Cost

There is no question that smartphone has changed the way how we live. For most part, it has enhanced the quality of our life dramatically. But, the question we all should ask ourselves is that are we smart in how and when we are using our smartphones? Let us not mistake information for knowledge. Just [...]


How Port Knocking Can Add Extra Layer of Server Security

Port Knocking technique adds an extra layer of security to your server and network, which will make it little harder for intruders to hack the system. In this article, we’ll explain the following on a very high-level: What is a port? What are port attacks? What is port knocking and how it helps? Basics of Computer [...]


8 UNIX / Linux Man Command Example to View Man Pages

In UNIX and Linux distros, command line programs come with their own documentation called manual pages or man pages. Man pages are generally written by the developer of the corresponding program. Generally the man pages are divided into number of sections. The following is the list of all available man sections. Every section has a [...]


Most of the systems you are working on might be connected to a hub, or switch, or router. Probably you never thought about those networking devices, how they work, and the differences between them. In this article, we’ll explain the core technical differences between these networking devices. To understand these, it is also helpful if [...]


20 Tips to Unclutter and Simply Your Life

Whether it is coding, sysadmin, or life in general, I like to keep things simple. Don’t write a line of code that is not required, don’t install and configure something that is not required, don’t desire or collect things that are not required. If you like to be free and simple, you need to start [...]


Happy 5th Birthday to The Geek Stuff

TGS is 5 years old now. To celebrate this occasion my daughter Diya thought it is appropriate to throw a birthday party to her special stuffed toy friend. She has named her friend “Penguine”. Of all the stuffed toys, Daddy is always proud when the girls play with Penguine. Linux and Open source is an [...]