Interrupts are signal that are sent across IRQ (Interrupt Request Line) by a hardware or software. Interrupts allow devices like keyboard, serial cards and parallel ports to indicate that it needs CPU attention. Once the CPU receives the Interrupt Request, CPU will temporarily stop execution of running program and invoke a special program called Interrupt [...]
Domain Name Service (DNS) is an internet service that maps IP addresses to fully qualified domain names (FQDN) and vice versa. BIND stands for Berkley Internet Naming Daemon. BIND is the most common program used for maintaining a name server on Linux. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install and configure a DNS [...]
The xargs command is extremely useful when we combine it with other commands. This tutorials explains the usage of xargs command using few simple examples. These example will help you understand the basics of how xargs command works. But, once you understand these concepts, you can come-up with your own clever examples of xargs to [...]
Zenoss is an open source agentless monitoring tool. The main advantage of zenoss is that you don’t need to install any software on the client side for monitoring. Zenoss has the following two versions: Zenoss Core (this is free) Zenoss Enterprise. This is also called as Zenoss Resource Manager, which is a paid version. This [...]
Nginx is pronounced as “Engine-X”, which is a web server and reverse proxy server. Nginx is well known for its speed and ability to handle large number of requests simultaneously with optimal use of resources. PHP-FPM stands for “PHP-FastCGI process manager”. CGI refers to the common gateway interface which is scripted to work as a [...]
DNS stands for Domain Name System, or Domain Name Server. DNS resolves an IP address to a hostname or vice versa. DNS is basically a large database which resides on various computers that contains the names and IP addresses of various hosts/domains. Other than ip-address DNS also associates various information with the domain names. Structure [...]
10 Useful Linux Bash_Completion Complete Command Examples (Bash Command Line Completion on Steroids)
In Linux, while typing a command if you press TAB twice, it would list all available commands that starts with typed characters. This is nothing new, probably you already know about this. This functionality is called bash completion. The basic file and directory name completion are available by default in bash command line. But, we [...]
Reverse SSH is a technique that can be used to access systems (that are behind a firewall) from the outside world. As you already know SSH is a network protocol that supports cryptographic communication between network nodes. Using this protocol, you can do a secure remote login, secure copy from/to a remote machine etc. You’ll [...]