Uniq command is helpful to remove or detect duplicate entries in a file. This tutorial explains few most frequently used uniq command line options that you might find helpful. The following test file is used in some of the example to understand how uniq command works. $ cat test aa aa bb bb bb xx [...]
AT commands are instructions that are used to control modems. AT stands for ATTENTION. These commands come from Hayes at commands that were used by the Hayes smart modems in 1980’s. Many modems today including dial-up, wireless, GSM/GPRS modems use these AT command set for communication. There are 2 types of modem AT commands. Basic [...]
Date command is helpful to display date in several formats. It also allows you to set systems date and time. This article explains few examples on how to use date command with practical examples. When you execute date command without any option, it will display the current date and time as shown below. $ date [...]
To connect to RabbitMQ message queue server, you can write your client program using various programming languages. Currently you can write client using C#, erlang, java, perl, PHP, python, and ruby. This tutorial explains how to install and configure RabbitMQ client library and AMQP PHP extension. Once you get AMQP PHP extension installed, you can [...]
AuFS stands for Another Union File System. AuFS started as an implementation of UnionFS Union File System. An union filesystem takes an existing filesystem and transparently overlays it on a newer filesystem. It allows files and directories of separate filesystem to co-exist under a single roof. AuFS can merge several directories and provide a single [...]
This Linux tutorial will explain the three “W” commands. The three “W”s are whatis, whereis and which commands. You already know how to use find command to efficiently fo find a file. Now, these three W commands will help you to locate more stuff from Linux command line. I. Linux whatis Command Whatis command is [...]
RabbitMQ is an open source message queue server that you can use to build your messaging applications. In simple terms, you can put a message to the queue from one application, and retrieve the message from the queue from the same application, or from a different application. You can use wide varieties of programming languages [...]
Cat command is one of the basic commands that you learned when you started in the Unix / Linux world. You already know that cat displays a file content. What more could this command do? This tutorial gives 10 practical usage examples for cat command. Probably few of these examples could be new to you. [...]