Sort command is helpful to sort/order lines in text files. You can sort the data in text file and display the output on the screen, or redirect it to a file. Based on your requirement, sort provides several command line options for sorting data in a text file. Sort Command Syntax: $ sort [-options] For [...]
As many organizations move away from paper documents to digital documents, digital signatures are required to manage any sensitive digital documents. Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of the message, such that the receiver can decide whether to trust the sender or not. Now-a-days it is most widely used for software distribution [...]
Computer networks can be of any form like a LAN, WAN etc. If you are connected to a local LAN or an internet connection, the IP addresses form the basis of communication over computer networks. An IP address is the identity of a host or a computer device while connected to any network. In most [...]
cp is one of the basic command in Unix. You already know that it is used to copy one or more files or directories from source to destination. While this tutorial is for beginners, it is also helpful for everybody to quickly review various cp command options using some practical examples. Even if you are [...]
Think of a scenario where you create a Linux directory that can be used by all the users of the Linux system for creating files. Users can create, delete or rename files according to their convenience in this directory. For all those who think that why would such a directory be created? There exists, for [...]
Linux commands wc and nl will help you to identify the number of words, lines, bytes, etc, in a file. This tutorial explains how to use these two very useful command with various examples. The basic text file that will be used in examples throughout this article is shown below : $ cat sort.txt UK [...]
Stack smashing is a fancy term used for stack buffer overflows. It refers to attacks that exploit bugs in code enabling buffer overflows. Earlier it was solely the responsibility of programmers/developers to make sure that there is no possibility of a buffer overflow in their code but with time compilers like gcc have got flags [...]
Using GnuPG gpg command you can generate public and private keys. In this tutorial, we will use the keys generated by gpg command to send and receive encrypted files, and digitally sign a file. Encrypt a file and send it to your Friend 1. Import your friend’s public key When you want to send a [...]