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7 Strace Examples to Debug the Execution of a Program in Linux

Strace is a debugging tool that will help you troubleshoot issues. Strace monitors the system calls and signals of a specific program. It is helpful when you do not have the source code and would like to debug the execution of a program. strace provides you the execution sequence of a binary from start to [...]


How to Monitor and Log Network Traffic on Linux Using vnStat

This article is part of our on-going performance monitoring series of articles. In this article, let us focus on how to monitor network traffic and log them for later analysis using vnstat utility. vnstat is a command line utility that displays and logs network traffic of the interfaces on your systems. This depends on the [...]


2 Memory Regression Perl Scripts for Linux

During performance testing of your application you might want to perform some sort of memory regression testing. This article contains two memory regression scripts that are written in perl which will occupy a specific amount of memory for a certain amount of time, for your testing. 1. Basic Memory Regression Script To execute this script, [...]


TCP/IP Protocol Fundamentals Explained with a Diagram

Have you ever wondered how your computer talks to other computers on your local LAN or to other systems on the internet? Understanding the intricacies of how computers interact is an important part of networking and is of equal interest to a sysadmin as well as to a developer. In this article, we will make [...]


7 Linux Grep OR, Grep AND, Grep NOT Operator Examples

Question: Can you explain how to use OR, AND and NOT operators in Unix grep command with some examples? Answer: In grep, we have options equivalent to OR and NOT operators. There is no grep AND opearator. But, you can simulate AND using patterns. The examples mentioned below will help you to understand how to [...]


Explore GCC Linking Process Using LDD, Readelf, and Objdump

Linking is the final stage of the gcc compilation process. In the linking process, object files are linked together and all the references to external symbols are resolved, final addresses are assigned to function calls, etc. In this article we will mainly focus on the following aspects of gcc linking process: Object files and how [...]


This MySQL jumpstart guide will get you running quickly on the basics. This explains how to install MySQL, create a sample database, create a table, insert records into the table, and select records from the table. 1. Install and Configure MySQL Go to the MySQL download page, and select your appropriate platform to download the [...]


How to View Linux System Reboot Date and Time

Question: From the uptime command, I know how many days and hours the system is up and running. Is there a easy way to view the exact date and time on when the system was last rebooted? i.e Exactly from what date and time the system has been up and running? Answer: Uptime does give [...]