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Packet Analyzer: 15 TCPDUMP Command Examples

tcpdump command is also called as packet analyzer. tcpdump command will work on most flavors of unix operating system. tcpdump allows us to save the packets that are captured, so that we can use it for future analysis. The saved file can be viewed by the same tcpdump command. We can also use open source [...]


Question: How do I lookup the wwn address of my HBA card installed on the Linux system. I need this information to create zoning on my fiber channel switch. Answer: Use one of the following methods to view the HBA WWN address on Linux. Method 1: /sys/class/scsi_host/host{n}/device/fc_host:host{n}/port_name File On Redhat 5 and above (including OEL [...]


Can You Make It? Compile C Programs on Linux Using Make Command

When you install any software from source, you typically execute commands like — “make”, “make install”, “make clean”, etc. Have you wondered what all these make commands are really making? Sure, we know that it is trying to compile and install the software. But, why make? What does it really do? For compiling a single [...]


Question: I would like to add more swap space to my Linux system. Can you explain with clear examples on how to increase the swap space? Answer: You can either use a dedicated hard drive partition to add new swap space, or create a swap file on an existing filesystem and use it as swap [...]


10 IPCS Command Examples (With IPC Introduction)

IPC stands for Inter-process Communication. This technique allows the processes to communicate with each another. Since each process has its own address space and unique user space, how does the process communicate each other? The answer is Kernel, the heart of the Linux operating system that has access to the whole memory. So we can [...]


ar is an archive tool used to combine objects to create an archive file with .a extension, also known as library. In this article, let us discuss about how to create an user defined static library in C programming using the “ar” utility. The examples shows how to create, extract, and modify the archives using [...]


Question: I have purchased Linux support for RHEL and OEL from Oracle corporation. How do I register my Linux system to Oracle support network to download and update packages? Can you explain me with step-by-step instruction? Answer: After purchasing Linux support from Oracle, you should register your Linux system with Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux Network using [...]

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How To Create LVM Using vgcreate, lvcreate, and lvextend lvm2 Commands

LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager. With LVM, we can create logical partitions that can span across one or more physical hard drives. First, the hard drives are divided into physical volumes, then those physical volumes are combined together to create the volume group and finally the logical volumes are created from volume group. The [...]