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4 Ways of Executing a Shell Script in UNIX / Linux

There are four ways to execute a shell script. Each way has it’s own meaning as explained in this article. 1. Execute Shell Script Using File Name Use the shell script file name to execute it either by using it’s relative path or absolute path as shown below. $ cd /home/sathiya $ ./scriptfile (or) $ [...]


Question: When I’m trying to ssh to a remote server, after I enter the username, it takes a lot of time before it displays the password prompt. Basically, my SSH ( openSSH ) is slow during authentication process. How do I solve this problem? Answer: If your ssh login from localhost to remotehost is slow, [...]


Question: How do I view all the current iptables rules? Once I view it, is there a way to delete all the current rules and start from scratch? Answer: Use the iptables list option to view, and iptables flush option to delete all the rules as shown below. You should have root permission to perform [...]


7 Essential emacs Editor Navigation Fundamentals

In this emacs article, let us review the following 7 Emacs navigation options. Line navigation Screen navigation Word navigation Special navigation Paragraph navigation Search navigation Navigation from command line If you don’t have an emacs editor, install emacs editor as we discussed earlier. Notation used in this article: C-a : Ctrl-a M-a : Meta-a ( [...]

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HowTo: The Ultimate Logrotate Command Tutorial with 10 Examples

Managing log files effectively is an essential task for Linux sysadmin. In this article, let us discuss how to perform following log file operations using UNIX logrotate utility. Rotate the log file when file size reaches a specific size Continue to write the log information to the newly created file after rotating the old log [...]


5 Bash Case Statement Examples

Bash shell case statement is similar to switch statement in C. It can be used to test simple values like integers and characters. Case statement is not a loop, it doesn’t execute a block of code for n number of times. Instead, bash shell checks the condition, and controls the flow of the program. In [...]


Once you’ve installed VMware ESXi Server and vSphere client, you can start creating VM instance and install a guest operating system on it ( e.g. Linux, Windows, etc.,) as explained in this article. 1. Launch Create VM Wizard Login to the ESXi server using vSphere Client. Provide the ESXi root username and password. From the [...]


You may want to disable ping replies for many reasons, may be for a security reason, or to avoid network congestion. Someone can flood the network with ping -f as shown in “Ping Example 5” in our earlier Ping Tutorial article. If ping reply is disabled we can avoid this flooding. Disable ping reply Temporarily [...]