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FTP and SFTP Beginners Guide with 10 Examples

FTP is File Transfer Protocol. SFTP is secure FTP. In this article let us review how to connect and login to a remote ftp server for downloading and uploading files using ftp or sftp command. Most of the ftp commands are applicable to sftp. So, wherever ftp is mentioned, you can use sftp also. 1. [...]


Bash expression is the combination of operators, features, or values used to form a bash conditional statement. Conditional expression could be binary or unary expression which involves numeric, string or any commands whose return status is zero when success. There are several conditional expressions that could be used to test with the files. Following are [...]


Bash conditional statements perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false. These statements are used to execute different parts of your shell program depending on whether certain conditions are true. The ability to branch makes shell scripts powerful. In Bash, we have the following conditional statements: [...]


Question: I would like to know how to install, uninstall, verify deb packages on Debian. Can you explain me with an example? Answer: Use dpkg to install and remove a deb package as explained below. On Debian, dpkg (Debian package system) allows you to install and remove the software packages. dpkg is the simplest way [...]


Perl Array Reference and Dereference Tutorial With Practical Examples

In this article let us review how to reference and dereference Perl array with examples. Reference is nothing but the location ( address ) of another variable. The references can be of array, or hash, or a snippet of Perl code. References makes the Perl code to run faster. Perl Reference To Array Normally, we [...]


VMware Server runs on top of an existing host operating system (Linux or Windows) as shown below. This is a quick way to get started with the VMware. Refer to our VMware introduction article to get a high level understanding on virtualization fundamentals. 1. Download VMware Server 2 Go to VMware Server download page . [...]


You can execute batch jobs in UNIX / Linux using any one of the three commands — at, batch or cron. In this article, let us review how to schedule a job, view a job, and delete a job using at command. You can schedule an at job in two different ways: Schedule the job [...]


The Bash shell provides some variables that are prefixed with ‘~’ (named tilde) which is called Tilde Expansions. They are synonyms for contents of other variables within your shell. Tilde expansion is the process of converting these abbreviations to the directory names that they stand for. In this article, let us review the tilde expansion [...]