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8 Awesome Perl Command Line Arguments You Should Know

Command line options in Perl could be useful to do smaller tasks effectively. In this article, let us review how to use Perl command line options to do the following tasks: Edit file content Handle line separator Check syntax errors Load modules Perform looping Execute perl code Set input line separator Split the input line [...]


7 Chmod Command Examples for Beginners

Earlier we discussed about how to use octal permission bits with chmod. In this article, let us review how to use symbolic representation with chmod. Following are the symbolic representation of three different roles: u is for user, g is for group, and o is for others. Following are the symbolic representation of three different [...]


Bash Shell expansion One of the operation of the shell when it analyzes the input is Shell expansion. Bash provides different types of expansion. In this article let us review an important expansion — “Brace expansion”. This article is part of our on-going Bash Tutorial series. Brace Expansion Brace expansion is used to generate arbitrary [...]


Lzma Vs Bzip2 – Better Compression than bzip2 on UNIX / Linux

Lzma stands for Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain Algorithm. Lzma is a compression tool like bzip2 and gzip to compress and decompress files. It tends to be significantly faster and efficient than bzip compression. As we know, gzip compression ratio is worse than bzip2 (and lzma). In this article, let us understand how to use lzma, an effective [...]


An array is a variable containing multiple values may be of same type or of different type.  There is no maximum limit to the size of an array, nor any requirement that member variables be indexed or assigned contiguously. Array index starts with zero. In this article, let us review 15 various array operations in [...]


We are starting a new series of articles on VMware that will help you install, configure and maintain VMware environments. In this first part of the VMware series, let us discuss the fundamental concepts of virtualization and review the VMware virtualization implementation options. Following are few reasons why you might want to think about virtualization [...]


The diff command output can get little confusing to read when you diff two files that has lot of differences. Wouldn’t it be nice to view the file differences visually? vimdiff utility gives a better visual feeling of differences between files as explained in this article. 1. Difference in whole line – Blue Color and [...]


Perl eval built-in function is very powerful. In this article let us review how to use regex in eval, trapping errors using eval, create dynamic code using eval, insert a code from a file/sub-routine using eval etc., The general form of perl eval expects a expression or a block of code as an argument. 1. [...]