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Alfresco is the best open source content management system. This has a rock solid document management foundation, with several functionality built on top of it. Alfresco provides web based content management, collaboration platform, Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS), records management and image management. Alfresco has enterprise edition and free community edition.  See the difference between [...]


Perl Debugger Tutorial: 10 Easy Steps to Debug Perl Program

Earlier we discussed the basics of how to write and execute a perl program using Perl Hello World Example. In this article, Let us review how to debug a perl program / script using Perl debugger, which is similar to the gdb tool for debugging C code. To debug a perl program, invoke the perl [...]


Step-by-Step Bugzilla Installation Guide for Linux

Bugzilla is the best open source bug tracking system. Very simple to use with lot of features. Bugzilla allows you to track the bugs and collaborate with developers and other teams in your organization effectively. This is a detailed step-by-step bugzilla installation guide for Linux. 1. Verify Perl Version Make sure your perl version is [...]


Question: Sometimes I want to repeat a command (or shell-script) frequently (every few seconds). Is there a better way to execute a unix command every n seconds (instead of keep typing the same command manually)? Answer: Using watch command you can execute a command and view it’s output every few seconds. This is very helpful [...]


Question: I’m using Sun Solaris OS. When I execute the find command, I get “find: bad option -not” as shown below. How do I fix the following error? find: bad option -not find: path-list predicate-list" in Solaris SunOS. Answer: In Linux, find command with -not option is used for inverting the match. For example: $ [...]


As part of our on-going bash tutorial series, we discussed about bash positional parameters in our previous article. In this article let us discuss about the bash special parameters with few practical shell script examples. Some of the bash special parameters that we will discuss in this article are: $*, $@, $#, $$, $!, $?, [...]


A parameter is an entity that stores values. It can be a name, a number or some special characters. A variable is a parameter denoted by a name. Some variables are set for you already, and most of these cannot have values assigned to them. These variables contain useful information, which can be used by [...]


Question: I would like to terminate my Unix command line shell, when I don’t execute any command for N number of seconds. i.e How to automatically log out if there is no activity in a Linux shell ? Answer: TMOUT variable in bash will terminate the shell if there is no activity for N seconds [...]