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brctl bridgebrctl stands for Bridge Control.

In Linux, this command is used to create and manipulate ethernet bridge.

This is typically used when you have multiple ethernet networks on your servers, and you want to combine them and present it as one logical network.

For example, if you have eth0 and eth1, you can combine them and present it as just br0, which will inturn use both eth0 and eth1 for network traffic.

In this tutorial, we’ve covered the following:
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If you are managing a DELL Poweredge server, you might’ve noticed the following error message on the console during system startup.

This will happen during PERC RAID Controller check.
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3 SELinux sestatus Command Output Explained with Examples

SELinux sestatussestatus stands for SELinux status.

This command is used to view the current status of the SELinux that is running on your system.

This tutorial explains the following:

  1. sestatus Command Output Explained with Details
  2. Display Selected Objects Security Context in sestatus
  3. Display Boolean Values in sestatus

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9 Python if, if else, if elif Command Examples

Python If CommandSimilar to other programming languages, in Python, conditional situations can be handled using if command.

In this tutorial, we’ve explained the following with examples:

  1. Basic Python if Command Example for Numbers
  2. Python if Command Operators
  3. Basic Python if Command Example for String Comparison
  4. Multiple Commands in If Condition Block using Indentation
  5. Python if else Command Example
  6. Python if else if Command Example
  7. Python Compound If Statement Example
  8. AND, OR, NOT in Python if Command
  9. Python if Command Error Messages

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In C programming, variadic function will contribute to the flexibility of the program that you are developing.

To understand this flexibility, let us start with a basic example.

If we like to add two numbers, we might write a code like this:
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SELinux RestoreconOn your Linux server, having proper SELinux security context for files and directories is very important.

When you add your custom file to a directory that is already managed by SELinux policy, and if your custom file doesn’t have the proper SELinux context, then you will not get the expected result.

restorecon stands for Restore SELinux Context.

restorecon command will reset the SELinux security context for files and directories to its default values. This will only reset the type attribute of SELinux context.

In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to use restorecon command with some practical examples.
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hard diskIf you are a sysadmin, managing your Linux server’s hard disk partition is a critical task.

In this tutorial, we’ll focus on how to use sfdisk command-line utility to manage your hard disk partitions.

While sfdisk is similar to fdisk, there are few partition manipulation activities that are very easy to perform in sfdisk. For example, you can create new partitions in an non-interactive method using sfdisk.

The following sfdisk activities are covered in this tutorial:
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Sometimes when you do a git push, you might get the following permission error message.

This error typically happens when multiple users are working on a particular git repository.

The following git push error indicates that it doesn’t have enough permission for adding a new object to the ./objects directory under your repository.

Apart from the obvious permission issue, there is also another underlying problem that needs to be addressed, which is explained in this tutorial.
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